We will miss you while you’re away!
Members at Plank + Power may freeze their membership for up to 90 days by submitting the form below at least 7 days before the desired freeze. Please note the following policies when freezing your account:
Members may request an account freeze, free of charge, up to once every three months. Additional requests after that will incur a $25/month freeze fee.
Freezing a membership with less than 7 days notice will incur a $25 fee.
Members requiring a hold for longer than 90 days for medical, maternity/paternity, etc, will require supporting documentation.
An account must be frozen for a minimum of 14 consecutive days. Requests for less than 14 consecutive days will be declined.
Membership holds are only possible if membership dues are paid and up to date.
Verbal requests are not accepted, all requests must be in writing via email or the form below.